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Chicken Run [ සිංහල හඩකැවූ ] Sinhala Dubbed - 2000

Rocky, a rooster, and Ginger, a chicken, decide to escape from a chicken farm when they learn that their owner is plotting to have them killed.


2000 ‧ Comedy/Family ‧ 1h 35m

"Chicken Run" is an animated movie that follows the adventures of a group of chickens living on a farm. The movie is set in the 1950s and tells the story of how the chickens, led by a determined hen named Ginger, plan to escape from the farm before they are turned into pies by the evil Mrs. Tweedy. The movie is filled with hilarious and heartwarming moments that are sure to delight both children and adults.

The movie is notable for its unique and innovative animation style, which uses stop-motion techniques to bring the characters and scenery to life. The attention to detail in the animation is impressive, from the individual feathers on the chickens to the intricacies of the farm machinery. The voice acting is also top-notch, with the talented cast bringing the characters to life with humor and heart.

"Chicken Run" is a movie that offers something for everyone. It is a heartwarming tale of friendship, courage, and determination, but it also has plenty of humor and action to keep audiences engaged. Whether you are a fan of animation, comedy, or just good storytelling, "Chicken Run" is a movie that is sure to leave you feeling entertained and inspired.


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Release date: June 21, 2000 (USA)
Directors: Nick ParkPeter Lord
Budget: 22.83 million GBP
Production companies: Aardman AnimationsMORE
Sequel: Chicken Run 2
Box office: 227.8 million USD

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Everyone wants to be happy.... No one wants to be sad.... But We Cant Create A Rainbow Without A Little Rain !!!

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