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Trouble - කරදරකාරයෝ - [ සිංහල හඩකැවූ ] - 2019

Trouble (ට්‍රබල්) කියන වචනයේ තේරුම ගත්තොත් සරලව "කරදරය" කියලා කියන්න පුලුවන්. මේ චිත්‍රපටයෙ ප්‍රධාන චරිතයේ නම තමයි ට්‍රබල්. එයා බල්ලෙක්. ඇත්තටම එයා...

trouble movie poster
2019 ‧ 1h 27m



Initial release: August 8, 2019
Director: Kevin Johnson
Box office: 13.8 million USD
Music composed by: Jessica Weiss
Producers: John H. Williams, Danielle Sterling
Production companies: WV Enterprises, 3QU Media, MORE

Trouble is a pampered dog, living the good life in a mansion with his wealthy, elderly owner, Mrs. Sarah Vanderwhoozie, under the care of her loyal butler, James, and famed animal trainer Cesar Millan. One day, after his owner dies due to natural causes, he is left alone and unaware in her mansion. Claire and Norbert, Mrs. Vanderwhoozie's niece and nephew, arrive to claim their inheritance. While discarding of her belongings and planning to sell other items that are priceless, they accidentally and unknowingly get rid of Trouble, whom they show instant dislike and apathy towards. Nevertheless, in order to rightfully inherit their aunt's fortune, Claire and Norbert must first be willing and able to bond and take care of Trouble within three days, until they can sign the contract entrusted by their aunt's lawyer, Mr. Macbain, much to their reluctance. Realizing that Trouble is missing, they hire Thurman Sanchez, an expert animal tracker, to find him in time before the deadline.

Having made it out of the truck carrying away his owner's belongings, and after learning the truth about her death, Trouble accidentally messes up a group of red squirrels' nut storage in their tree. As payback, the squirrels steal his collar and run off, leaving Trouble lost, alone, and looking like a stray. In the city, Trouble meets a stray dog named Rousey while trying to get a meal from a meat truck, which results in a chase through a restaurant owned by famed chef Ludo Lefebvre; a wannabe-singer pizza delivery girl named Zoe Bell also loses one of her pizzas. After another encounter with the squirrels while spending the night with Rousey outdoors, Trouble enters a dog park where he meets domestic dogs Norm, Gizmo, Bella, and Tippy, who somewhat help him find a home by having him play in traffic, where he gets picked up by Zoe, and is taken to her apartment. Though only temporary until she can find where he belongs, and hoping to avoid her landlord finding out, Zoe and Trouble begin to bond. Zoe writes a song for a singing competition she plans to enter, and fashions a new collar for Trouble.

The next day, at the dog park, despite some rocky first impressions, Norm and the other dogs willingly help Trouble when they find out that the squirrels took his old collar while confronting him again. During the struggle, Thurman, having found Trouble at last, accidentally snatches the leader of the squirrels, with whom he offers to make a deal – a pile of nuts in exchange for their help in retrieving Trouble for him. After Zoe momentarily leaves Trouble at her apartment, the squirrels try to flush him out, causing a huge mess, which results in Zoe being evicted by her landlord upon returning. Trouble is sent to the dog pound, where he meets Rousey again and befriends three other strays: Snoop, Otis, and Caramel. Trouble learns from Rousey that, like him, she was once an indoor dog. However, one day, after saving her owners' child from a traffic collision, they mistook her heroic behavior for aggression and dumped her at the pound, which explains Rousey's distrust of humans.

On the day of the deadline, rather than enter the singing competition, Zoe decides to go to the pound and retrieve Trouble. However, Thurman has already beaten her to it. Zoe rides off, looking for Trouble all over the city. Realizing how much Zoe truly loves and cares about Trouble, Rousey decides to help the others escape and help Zoe find him. They use Trouble's discarded new collar to track him and with the help of the domestic dogs as well. Returning Trouble to Claire and Norbert at the mansion, Thurman secretly vows retaliation with the squirrels' help after the twins refuse to pay him as promised.

Having mislead Mr. Macbain that they bonded with Trouble, Claire and Norbert are about to claim their inheritance when Zoe suddenly arrives, revealing what really happened. Demanding his money, Thurman enters and further reveals the situation to Mr. Macbain. Having learned the truth, Mr. Macbain denies the twins' inheritance. Still wanting his money, Thurman summons the squirrels to hold Trouble for ransom, until Snoop, Otis, and Caramel enter, having followed Rousey; a battle ensues. While Trouble is held against a fan by the squirrel leader, Rousey arrives just in time to save his life. She demands Trouble's old collar back before the squirrels exit. Trouble is then granted permission by Mr. Macbain to decide whom he wants his owner to be. Trouble joyfully chooses Zoe, which allows her to inherit Trouble, the mansion, the assets, and his owner's fortune after signing the contract, much to the twins' disgust. They and Thurman leave. Rousey is also adopted by James, much to her joy.

Zoe uses the money to revitalize the dog park, renamed the Vanderwhoozie Dog Park, and dedicated to both Mrs. Vanderwhoozie and Trouble. She also begins living her dream as a singer, attracting the attention of famed singer-songwriter Jason Mraz. Snoop – having probably been adopted by Zoe, along with Otis and Caramel – proceeds to sing in dedication of Trouble, much to the dogs' joy.

© Description credit : Wikipedia

කොහොමද කට්ටියට? ඔන්න එහෙනම් මම තවත් ලස්සන ඇනිමේෂන් චිත්‍රපටයක් අරගෙන ඔයාලව හමු වෙන්න ආපහු ආවා.

Trouble (ට්‍රබල්) කියන වචනයේ තේරුම ගත්තොත් සරලව "කරදරය" කියලා කියන්න පුලුවන්. මේ චිත්‍රපටයෙ ප්‍රධාන චරිතයේ නම තමයි ට්‍රබල්. එයා බල්ලෙක්. ඇත්තටම එයාට සිද්ධ වෙන කරදරය තමයි අපිට මේ චිත්‍රපටයෙන් බලාගන්න පුලුවන් වෙන්නේ.

මෙහෙමයි කතාව. ට්‍රබල් කියන්නේ විශාල මන්දිරයක හැදෙන බල්ලෙක්. හැම තත්පරයකම සැප. කන්නෙ බොන්නේ හොඳම ආහාර පාන. අතට පයට වැඩ කරල දෙන සේවකයෙකුත් ඉන්නවා. ට්‍රබල්ගේ අයිතිකාරිය ඉතාමත් ධනවත් වයසක කෙනෙක්. හැබැයි දවසක ට්‍රබල්ට බොහොම අවාසනාවන්ත සිද්ධියකට මුහුණ දෙන්න වෙනවා. ට්‍රබල්ගේ අයිතිකාරිය මිය යනවා. ට්‍රබල්ට තේරෙන්නෙ නෑ මොනවද වුණේ කියලා. නමුත් කිසි කෙනෙක් තමන්ට අවධානය දෙන්නෙ නෑ කියලානම් ට්‍රබල්ට හොඳටම තේරෙනවා. මේ ධනවත් තැනැත්තියගේ ඇවෑමෙන් පසු මන්දිරයට එන්නේ සල්ලිවලට කෑදර ඇයගේ සහෝදරයෙකුගෙ දරුවන් දෙදෙනායි. මොකද ඉතින් ඇයගේ උරුමය ලැබෙන්න නියමිත ඔවුන්ටනේ. එයාලා ඇවිල්ලා හැම දේම විකුණනලා සල්ලි කරගන්නයි උත්සහ කරන්නේ. එයාලා දෙන්නා ට්‍රබල්ව මන්දිරයෙන් එළියට දානවා. හැබැයි මේ ධනවත් තැනැත්තිය මිය යද්දී අවසන් කැමැත්තක් තියලා යන්න අමතක කළේ නෑ. ඇයගේ අවසන් කැමැත්ත ඇහුවාම තමයි හැම දෙයක්ම උඩු යටිකුරු වෙන්නේ. ට්‍රබල්ව උපරිම ආදරයෙන් බලාගන්න කෙනෙකුට පමණයි ඇයගේ සියලු වස්තුව හිමි වෙන්නේ. ඉක්මනට හොයලා බලනවා ට්‍රබල් ගැන. නමුත් එයාල විසින්ම මන්දිරයෙන් එළියට දාපු ට්‍රබල් දැන් කොහෙද කියලා නෑ. දැන් ඒ මුදල් කෑදරයින් ට්‍රබල්ව හොයාගෙන යන්නයි යන්නේ

ට්‍රබල් කොහේ ගියාද? ට්‍රබල්ට මොනවද වුණේ? ට්‍රබල්ව හොයාගෙන එයාලට එයාලගෙ නැන්දාගේ වස්තුව ලබාගන්න පුලුවන් වෙයිද? එහෙමනම් ඒ ප්‍රශ්ණවලට උත්තර හොඳට හිනා වෙවී මේ චිත්‍රපටය බලලා හොයාගන්න.

© Description credit : baiscopelk . com

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Everyone wants to be happy.... No one wants to be sad.... But We Cant Create A Rainbow Without A Little Rain !!!

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ඔයාලාගෙ වටිනා අදහස් ඉස්සරහට දෙන්න ඕන මූවීස් මෙතනින් comment කරන්න​
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